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There are times when the comfortable rug of your life is yanked out from under you. All you can do is try to rope the whirlwind, hang on for dear life, and hope that you land in a safe place. Roxanne Strayhorn landed in the one safe place she'd never imagined--in the arms of a stranger--a stranger who happened to be her new husband.


When life is at its most extreme, is it possible to meet the true love of your life? Are the wild and wonderful things that Roxanne is feeling a result of being with this man, or a result of fear and worry and adrenaline? Is it crazy to go to a television taping and consider marrying a stranger? Or is it crazier to think that she and this stranger were fated to come together at this place and time? Roxanne doesn't know what she's letting herself in for, when she decides

...To Marry the Millionaire.

Buy the paperback here.


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Cover art by Karen Ball

Review by Coffee Time Romance


Review by The Romance Studio